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Under Al Reem bridges

Like far side of the Moon, this is the unknown view of the Gate, Sun and Sky towers for most.
Al Reem Island is a new development area east of Abu Dhabi Island where most of the infrastructure and roads are in place since 2012. Many of the buildings are growing here and there already shaping the silhouette of the new highrise city.
Having lived around for more than a year I have many times thought to take a hike under Al Reem bridges. Now there were some compellling reasons to do so including the perfect weather.
The master plan of the northern part of the island (also known as Al Shams) has several channels bridged by the main road network.

There are countless of bridges ready for action. It is still a good chance to meet some desert foxes roaming around during late evenings.
The idea of the master plan is to separate people from cars. Even with the best transit system in place the highrise city will generate a lot of car traffic even more in a place where temperature can reach 50 celsius. So for those who don't like cars there is a good opportunity to walk or cycle along channels and coastline. It's like Amsterdam with highways on top.
Channels will provide access to water taxis. Pedestrian walkways and cycle paths along the channels will definitely become popular when finally paved.
Bridges acting as shades, extremely welcome in Abu Dhabi.
Let the blue sky in.
In case you want to cross the channel.
Look, there's more.
The weather conditions in UAE are very good to build integral bridges, the fluctuation of temperature is minimal.
Winter in Abu Dhabi. Source: www.foreca.com
I have been wondering why so many bridges here have been built with numerous expansion joints creating usability and maintenance issues. Al Reem bridges are different - they are all fully integral. No joints, no bearings.
This is how integral bridge "joint" looks like. No humps, no potholes, no problems.
Oops, the silicone is too strong and rigid.
Viewing point
Could be more landscaping :)
For some AlReemers there is a magnificient view to Sheikh Khalifa bridge and Louvre under construction in the background.
Imagine all the people..
The bridges don't look all the same. At least not from below.
Nice colums with internal lighting making the bridge more live above.
Would like to see some shading on top of the bridge too during summer.
Add some green and enjoy!
There are footpaths along the main roads, but no cyclepaths. I hope there is a proper plan for a complete cycling network or the comparison with Amsterdam is not valid.
Developing the infrastructure before buildings is overall a good idea. It maybe difficult to see the mistakes in the plan before buildings are in place and people start leaving footprints. It will be also costly to fix the mistakes. Therefore it would be better to develop roads and infrastructure slightly ahead of land-use while interactively checking and correcting the plans.
Just now I enjoy the roads without traffic as roller-skiing tracks. I would only need one lane for that, four is too much of a luxury :)


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